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Bill Howe Case Study

Bill Howe Plumbing, Heating & Air, Restoration & Flood Services is a family-owned and operated business based in San Diego. Established in 1980, Bill Howe provides a wide range of services, including plumbing, heating and air conditioning, and flood restoration. With a focus on customer satisfaction and quality service, Bill Howe has become a trusted name in the San Diego area for both residential and commercial clients. What was their business challenge? LMA is responsible for the entirety of Bill Howe marketing strategy and placement. In this specific case study, Bill Howe was interested in expanding their social media presence and reach. They were looking to incorporate a new perspective of the brand to their social media audience. What did LMA do? After reviewing their social media, LMA wanted to introduce more content that brought humor and entertainment to their target audience, while still honoring the values and boundaries of the brand. LMA decided...

Driven Brands – CARSTAR Canada Case Study

CARSTAR Canada is the leading auto collision repair franchise in the country. CARSTAR has over 320 locations in Canada, making it one of the largest providers. Their technicians are all certified and highly trained to work on any type of vehicle. Why CARSTAR Canada Came to LMA? LMA has worked closely with CARSTAR Canada on an array of marketing campaigns. Most recently, the company was having difficulty recruiting new employees. Similarly to other blue-collar industries, attracting new applicants to their company was becoming increasingly difficult. What Did LMA Do? LMA designed a comprehensive digital marketing campaign to address CARSTAR Canada’s recruitment challenge. The goal was to target young men, aged 18-34, who had a keen interest in the automotive industry and were actively seeking employment opportunities. The strategy included dynamic creative and targeted messaging across various digital platforms including digital audio and display. Using behavioral and contextual targeting, we customized our approach, tailored to how...

Alpine Fence Case Study

Alpine Fence is a premier fencing expert in San Diego. They have been instrumental in providing top-notch fencing solutions to its customers. Alpine Fence offers an array of fencing products and is the solution to fencing needs. Why Alpine Fence Came to LMA? Like most businesses in the home improvement category, during the pandemic, Alpine Fence had more work than they could service. Therefore, marketing was not a necessity. As the pandemic ended, Alpine Fence quickly realized the importance of marketing strategies to recapture the interest of consumers needing a fence. Their website traffic was minimal, resulting in fewer customer inquiries and declining sales. LMA recognized enhancing online visibility would attract more potential customers and boost business activity. What Did LMA do? LMA utilized targeted Google Ads services to address Alpine Fence’s challenges. By creating and optimizing their SEO and PPC ad campaigns, LMA significantly enhanced their digital presence on Google Search. This strategic...

La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre Case Study

La Jolla Cosmetic is an award winning cosmetic surgery practice in San Diego. A leader in the plastic surgery industry for 30+ years, they are dedicated to high-quality results and education while going above and beyond to ensure patients' comfort and confidentiality. Why La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre Came to LMA La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre hired LMA Marketing and Advertising in 2019 to create a marketing plan which would help them increase market share and revenue. After four years of successful marketing and growth, La Jolla Cosmetic was looking to more finely tune their target market and continue to increase efficiency in reaching their customer base despite the declining demand across the cosmetic surgery industry. What did LMA do? LMA executed market research, identifying the different market segments for La Jolla Cosmetic to target, and creating four (4) patient personas. Utilizing this knowledge, LMA developed a strategy to reach each persona based on...

Restaurant Branding

Branding: The Key to Success in The Restaurant Industry

Branding is the face of your company and is treated as the first impression from the people you're trying to connect with. Anything that the public sees is a part of a company’s brand: logos, graphics, a mission statement, and content related to your company’s vision are effective ways to build a reputable brand image. As a result, your message will be delivered clearly and concisely  Identifying Demographics The Restaurant industry is a very diverse marketplace with different cultures and types of people. Thankfully, branding is a practice that constantly changes to meet the company’s values and style.  It’s essential to identify whom you are talking to. Is it a high-end restaurant that’s looking for adults that want to experience sophisticated food? Or is it a relaxed homey restaurant targeting families and younger people who want quality ingredients at affordable prices? Content that targets a specific group of people while still being in...

Sammy's Food & Wine San Diego

Sammy’s Food & Wine Case Study

Sammy’s Food & Wine has been going strong for thirty years with award winning salads, sharables, and fresh wood-fired pizzas. With 12 locations around San Diego, Palm Springs, and Las Vegas, Sammy’s Food and Wine is a staple restaurant and loved by many local residents who have been going to Sammy’s throughout their lifetime.  Following the success of Sammy’s, they opened two brunch restaurants in San Diego and Las Vegas, Toast and Toasted Gastrobrunch. Why Sammy's Came to LMA Originally, Amy Bulgatz, Chief Financial Officer of Sammy’s restaurant group, came to LMA for help with their social media. She felt that with so many locations, they should have a bigger following and higher engagement on their social media platforms. She didn’t think her previous agency was growing their audience as much as they should be and was looking for more creativity. What Did LMA Do? LMA conducted a social audit for Sammy’s Food & Wine,...

Radio Marketing

Why Radio Advertising in the Digital Age?

In the Digital Age companies are pressured to focus advertising solely on digital advertising. However, this may not be the most effective medium to focus on. Research and advertising results continue to support the use of radio advertising. The three main advantages of radio advertising are its reach, retention, and ROI (return on investment). Reach Radio’s reach even during the digital age hasn’t changed, in fact it has continued to grow. This challenges the idea that many potential advertisers have; radio is on the downfall. Radio continues to reach a growing audience which makes it an excellent platform for advertising.  Retention The retention offered from radio advertising is also often superior to its competitors. Radio has been proven to produce strong responses in impacting consumer behavior such as making a purchase, creating recognition, or stopping into a restaurant. While watching an advertisement is passive, listening to radio requires more engagement and as a result,...

Social Media Analytics

Understanding and Tracking Social Media Analytics

Tracking and Understanding Social Media Analytics can provide useful marketing data that is instrumental in achieving your marketing and advertising goals. Social Media Analytics is tracking data from anything you post or share on social platforms. They can help you understand numerous different marketing objectives such as the most effective content, determining your ROI, better understanding your audience, showing progress over time, and tracking interactions.  Where to Find Analytics  Each Social Platform has their own version of free Analytics. There are also numerous other paid options available for further insights. The free versions included on each platform are a great place to start. The major platforms and their corresponding analytics are Twitter, Twitter analytics; Facebook, Facebook page insights; YouTube, YouTube analytics dashboard; Instagram, post and profile insights. Another free tool to track social media insights is Google analytics. While these analytics relate directly to your website, they can also be utilized to...

Instagram Algorithm

Best Ways to Utilize the Instagram Algorithm in 2021

Instagram’s algorithms determine how users are presented content, and it's recently been updated in 2021. This not only impacts user experience, but brand outreach. It's important for any brand marketing on social media to be aware of how Instagram ranks and displays information, in order to best utilize the platform. If you have been on Instagram for a while, you probably remember that posts used to be displayed solely in reverse chronological order. Instagram has since changed this algorithm to account for more factors. It's important for brands to understand what types of content will boost your post and help them be seen by more users. There are six major factors Instagram looks at when displaying a user’s feed, and here is a breakdown of each: Interaction Instagram keeps track of the type of post you like and then displays those types of post later on. Ultimately Instagram is looking to...

Pay Per Click

PPC v. Paid Social Media Advertising

Paid digital advertising is an excellent way to increase your brand's reach to potential customers. The two major forms of digital advertising are pay per click (PPC) advertising and paid social media advertising. Both allow you to have greater impressions on search pages and social media feeds. Utilizing these strategies will increase your brand awareness and ability to reach potential customers who may not find you otherwise. PPC Advertising In PPC advertising, you pay for the amount of clicks your advertisement receives. This is beneficial because you are only paying when customers click through to your landing page, essentially buying page visits. The way PPC ads are purchased and targeted is through bids on specific ad space. Google then displays the top ads based on the bid amount and best quality advertisement. Other major advertising platforms for PPC advertising are Microsoft and Amazon. PPC advertisements can take the form of either a...

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